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thoughts & feelings: a blog
Laura Wenger
Aug 4, 20235 min read
when your anxiety lives in your body, talk therapy isn't enough
the somatic connection in psychotherapy I'm a big supporter of psychotherapy. In fact, I just started my Master's Degree in Clinical...
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Laura Wenger
Apr 20, 20234 min read
what is good posture, anyway?
and can we breathe well in that shape? Many of us learned how to hold our bodies from family or authority figures at a young age. "Pull...
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Laura Wenger
Mar 31, 20213 min read
tension holds us together
Despite its bad rap, tension isn't all bad. When we speak or hear about tension in the context of a yoga class or a massage treatment, we...
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Laura Wenger
Jan 1, 20214 min read
born this way
One of the most important lessons I learned from yoga? That there are some things about myself that can't be changed-- and that's...
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Laura Wenger
Jan 1, 20213 min read
what is heart rate variability?
and how can we use it to "read" what our body is saying? Like many of you, I have a morning ritual. I wake up, feed the dogs, make my...
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Laura Wenger
Dec 23, 20203 min read
balancing the allostatic load
One of the things that brings me joy, that makes me feel alive, powerful, and free, is physical training. I love to sweat, to move, to...
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Laura Wenger
Sep 9, 20207 min read
finding your footing in warrior 1
a long, nerdy post about alignment in this classic shape Warrior 1: it sounds so fundamental, so simple, like, the most basic thing you...
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Laura Wenger
Aug 3, 20204 min read
core stability from the inside out
My understanding of core work has changed over the years, but for a long time, I understood it as primarily a need to “strengthen the...
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Laura Wenger
Feb 1, 20203 min read
your nervous system needs your support
Have you ever finished a long day of work sitting at a desk, and felt like you were too tired to move- even though you barely moved your...
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